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We’ve seen everything take a hit during the pandemic. From operations to staffing schedules to processes, we’ve had considerations we’ve never had before. Yet, at the core of what you do and why you do, it is your gross profit margin.

So how can you protect it? How can we ensure that it’s untouchable from external factors such as a global pandemic, so you never have to find yourself in a situation like last year? Here are our top three suggestions to make it a reality.

What is Measured is Managed

We always say, what is measured is managed. This is never truer than when it comes to your food stocktaking system. Having widespread visibility of your food inventory across all sites ensures accuracy. A tightened measuring system of your food stock, areas of waste and why they exist means you can take ownership of the situation there and then. You can make the necessary changes to reduce waste and increase your gross profit margin.

Analysis over Collation

It’s very easy to get caught up in the collating of data with an outdated system. Manual ones slow processes down and are at a higher risk of error. Opting for one that makes collecting all this information easier means you can spend more time on analysing it instead. This is where you can see what you need to do when you need to make faster and more effective decisions.

Using Tech to Your Advantage

You have to use technology, or you’ll get left behind. The options out there mean you can integrate it with other systems and optimise your processes. Wouldn’t you like your stocktaking process to be a snappy 45 minutes like with DigiTally instead of a laborious two hours? Think about the amount of time you’ll save over a month or indeed a year with that level of saving. And think about what you can do with that time you now have. Now think about what this means in terms of money.

As we start to see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, it’s time to get ready for what comes next. Tech isn’t just the future. It’s the present for businesses and their operations. It’s time to optimise your system using technology. It’s about being ahead of the curve and seeing what’s coming next. Maximise your margins post-pandemic using margin improvement software and make it untouchable.

If you’d like to know more about how DigiTally can help you make your margin pandemic proof,
contact us or Schedule a Demo and speak with our team of Stocktaking experts today!